• Type: photo;
  • Photo Model: Miao
  • Category: cutout character;
  • Appearance: Asian, male, young man, guy, adult, businessman, fashion, account manager, office employee, intelligent, educated, clever, person, elegant, stylish, dark hair, short haircut, nice, handsome, attractive, good-looking, focused, upset, sad, serious, concentrated, confident, gesture, expect, waiting, thoughtful, emotion worried, disturbance, holding both hands at front of him, puzzled, throwing hands up, troubled, discouraged, surprised, shocked, problems, gesture of course, experience stress, half-turned, quarter-turned, left profile, exactly what is needed, confused, showing with index fingers, fingers pointing for someone;
  • Style: business casual, black pants, white shirt and grey jacket;
  • Posture: open;
  • Background: transparent;
  • Application area: web-design projects (e-learning, marketing, advertising, etc.) ;