Vector Characters Billy And Willy

Vector Characters Billy And Willy

  • Characters: two business men
  • Appearance: European
  • Profession: quality experts, lawyers, engineers, programmers, counsellors, etc.
  • Interest: business and trades
  • Front: dark hair, narrow eyebrows, glasses and Hollywood smile; full-length view
  • Wearing: formal suit, white shirt, grey trousers and purple tie
SKU: CHAR_001_0071

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Two business-men shacking hands after successful deal. They would be perfect illustration for lucky business partners. You may use Billy and Willy to demonstrate that any joint venture should based on a corporate trust.

Technical details

  • Software: Adobe Illustrator
  • Software version: CS10
  • Raster file format: PNG 4961×3508 42x29cm/16.5”x11.4” 300dpi
  • Vector file format: EPS

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