Attractive Young Man Clapping Hands Cutout Photo
Attractive Young Man Clapping Hands Cutout Photo
- Type: photo;
- Photo Model: Dombre
- Category: cutout character;
- Appearance: Latin American, young man, bald, shaved head, half-turned, clapping hands, applauding, attractive, nice;
- Style: casual wear, sneakers, blue jeans, modern shirt and yellow jacket;
- Posture: neutral;
- Background: transparent;
- Application area: web-design projects (e-learning, marketing, advertising, etc.) ;
Full-length cutout photo of an attractive young man character standing half-turned. He is clapping hands while looking at someone who is giving a presentation. Dressed in casual clothes such as blue jeans, shirt and bright colored jacket. Would perfectly illustrate a modern student or a young business coach during the training process.
Lots of Dombre’s cutout photos with various postures and facial expressions cover almost all situations which are in demand in e-course development. They also can be used in marketing, promotions, advertisements and other types of web-projects. Each photo is available in different variations, you can easily choose any size that suits you best. Be sure that your own e-learning project will become easier to grasp with our charming cutout characters.
Technical details
- Raster PNG 162 X 500 300dpi Size S
- Raster PNG 323 X 1000 300dpi Size M
- Raster PNG 646 X 2000 300dpi Size L
- Raster PNG 1383 X 4285 300dpi Size XL
- Raster PNG 1383 X 4285 300dpi Size XL (Extended License)
- Transparent Background: available