Curious young girl holding tablet cutout photo
Curious young girl holding tablet cutout photo
- Type: photo;
- Photo Model: Mariana;
- Category: cutout character;
- Appearance: Arabic, young girl, woman, good-looking, nice, curious, charming, sideways standing, with tablet;
- Style: business wear, black jacket, black skirt and nude blouse;
- Posture: neutral;
- Background: transparent;
- Application area: web-design projects (e-learning, marketing, advertising, etc.);
High quality cutout photo of curious young girl with tablet standing sideways and looking at camera. Looks extremely fashionable in her stylish black jacket and skirt. Could be used in various presentations and e-learning courses. Would greatly simplify your work and style up any kind of web-designed project. All photos are available on a transparent background. Just pick up the favorable option and insert directly into your project.
Technical details:
- Raster PNG 456 X 1000 300dpi Size M
- Raster PNG 911 X 2000 300dpi Size L
- Raster PNG 2741 X 6016 300dpi Size XL
- Raster PNG 2741 X 6016 300dpi Size XL (Extended License)
- Transparent Background: available