Thoughtful Latino Cutout Character
Thoughtful Latino Cutout Character
- Type: photo;
- Photo Model: Sandro
- Category: cutout character;
- Appearance: Latin American, young man, bearded, muscular, thoughtful, smiling, handsome, nice;
- Style: casual wear, beige pants, grey t-shirt, black shoes;
- Posture: closed;
- Background: transparent;
- Application area: web-design projects (e-learning, marketing, advertising, etc.);
Full-length picture of a thoughtfully young man looking at the camera. He is thinking about something important. Man smiles while touches his chin with one hand. Wears beige pants and grey t-shirt. This handsome character can be used in e-elearning projects as tutor, course narrator or casually dressed learner. Image is also suitable for use in marketing projects and advertisements.
Photos of this model are presented from multiple angles with various poses and emotions. Transparent background provides an opportunity to make the e-course eye-catching. Each image is available in few formats: S, M, L and XL. So it is possible to choose the one that suits you best. Feel free to make your e-courses more efficient with the help of our cutout people photos.
Technical details
- Raster PNG 147 X 500 300dpi Size S
- Raster PNG 295 X 1000 300dpi Size M
- Raster PNG 589 X 2000 300dpi Size L
- Raster PNG 1472 X 4997 300dpi Size XL
- Raster PNG 1472 X 4997 300dpi Size XL (Extended License)
- Transparent Background: available