Black Colored Charger Stock Photo
Black Colored Charger Stock Photo
- Type: stock photo;
- Category: objects;
- Background: white;
- Application area: web-design projects (e-learning, marketing, advertising, etc.);
Black Battery Charger Stock Photo. The high-resolution image of a black colored battery charger isolated on white background. It’s useful to charge the rechargable batteries of some electronic devices. The photo can be used to illustrate the text sample in elearning course or presentation. It would be a perfect addition for any kind of web and print related project. Available in four different formats: S, M, L and XL. Feel free to choose any of them that fully meet your requirements. Our huge stock photo library contains various high-quality pictures which cover the most popular themes among e-course developers.
Technical details
- Raster JPG 747 X 500 300dpi Size S
- Raster JPG 1494 X 1000 300dpi Size M
- Raster JPG 2988 X 2000 300dpi Size L
- Raster JPG 3872 X 2592 300dpi Size XL
- Raster JPG 3872 X 2592 300dpi Size XL (Extended License)