Stock Photo Of Young Man In Gas Mask Showing Middle Fingers Gesture
Stock Photo Of Young Man In Gas Mask Showing Middle Fingers Gesture
- Type: stock photo;
- Category: people isolated on white;
- Appearance: European, Caucasian, male, young man, guy, handsome, nice, good-looking, attractive, wearing gas mask, displeased, dissatisfied, middle finger, gesturing, close up;
- Style: casual wear;
- Background: white;
- Application area: web-design projects (e-learning, marketing, advertising, etc.);
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High-quality stock photo of a displeased young man wearing the gas mask. He is making the middle fingers gesture with both hands. Looks like that this guy is completely dissatisfied. Can be used to illustrate a handsome male character in any web-design project (elearning course, presentation, advertisement, etc.). We’ve collected lots of people stock photos who imitating the most demanded gestures and facial expressions. Each photo is available for download in few various formats: S, M, L and XL. Do not hesitate to choose the image’s size that you need and start to create a powerful e-learning course right now.
Technical details
- Raster JPG 750 X 500 300dpi Size S
- Raster JPG 1500 X 1000 300dpi Size M
- Raster JPG 3000 X 2000 300dpi Size L
- Raster JPG 5616 X 3744 300dpi Size XL
- Raster JPG 5616 X 3744 300dpi Size XL (Extended License)