Extremely Happy Young Guy Sitting On Lounge Chair Cutout
Extremely Happy Young Guy Sitting On Lounge Chair Cutout
- Type: cutout photo;
- Category: cutout character;
- Appearance: European, young man, guy, adult, male, short hair, stylish haircut, businessman, attractive, good-looking, nice, handsome, with laptop, using laptop, holding laptop on lap, working, happy, smiling, excited, successful, cheerful, throwing hands up, raising arms, rejoicing, raising leg;
- Style: classic clothes, blue jacket, brown shoes, white pants and checkered shirt;
- Posture: sitting;
- Background: transparent;
- Application area: web-design projects (e-learning, marketing, advertising, etc.);
High-quality cutout image of an excited young businessman rejoicing with the results. He looks happy and successful. There is a laptop placed on his lap. A handsome cutout character sitting on the lounge chair provides you more opportunities to create a fascinating visual story. The cutout photo would be useful for any kind of web-design project such as elearning course, presentation, promotion, etc. It’s represented in few variations: M, L and XL. Just choose any size that you need and start to create your own stunned e-learning course.
Technical details
- Raster PNG 1337 X 1000 300dpi Size M
- Raster PNG 2673 X 2000 300dpi Size L
- Raster PNG 3965 X 2967 300dpi Size XL
- Raster PNG 3965 X 2967 300dpi Size XL (Extended License)